
昨天看《美国偶像》复赛,很待见这个孩子:Josiah Leming。最大的原因,也许是因为他选唱了MIKA的“GRACE KELLY”。去年夏天我迷上了MIKA的专辑《LIFE IN CARTOON MOTION》,一路放在车里听,露营的时候一边扎帐篷一边还在听,直到隔壁有个老头忍无可忍地从RV里走出来制止我。

Josiah Leming才19岁,他最特别的地方,除了一年来一直住在一辆车里(是四门轿车哦),是他唱歌时带英国口音。因为太迷恋英国乐队,这个田纳西州土生土长的孩子甚至连说话时都有轻微疑似英国音,听上去很酷。


MIKA的原版《GRACE KELLY》,事实上,这张专辑的每一首我都爱。



  1. PAUL 的发迹更令人激动,因为落差太大了。

  2. 谢谢楼上推荐,去看了paul的视频,结结实实被震撼了!看到这里才觉得民间卧虎藏龙呢(抱歉YK在这里跑题了)

  3. I was so impressed by this Josiah boy too. He was adorable when he was singing this Grace Kelly song. But then during the second audition, he fell apart and cried like a baby. That was a shame. I couldn’t even watch him. So embarrassing! What a pity! But the judges let him pass. That was rare and showed some sweet part of the show. Hope he won’t disappoint ppl again. This season seems more interesting than I thought, giving my boring life some fun….hehee…

    Thanks for posting the song.

  4. I just love him. I read from AI website message board, that he came from a family of 9 kids, 6 of them are special need kids adopted. His mom has been diagnosed of terminal cancer years ago. Sign…You can go to youtube to watch his video of song he wrote/sang. it’s terrific. He obviously is a very sensitive kid and experiencing a lot emotionally, but that’s one of the reasons I love him. He is so raw, vulnerable and real. Wish he’ll make it someday.

  5. 我的心都要碎了,这季的AI算是毁了,我不想看了,象小狗一样可怜的蓝眼睛啊!唱歌不应该全靠技巧,激情才是灵魂。这些个是不是又喝醉了,怎么能让他如此伤心。


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